The Laikipia Permaculture Centre – A Center for Permaculture Education

Laikipia Permaculture Centre Trust

Laikipia Permaculture is a Community based Trust that was founded in 2014 as a partnership of four women groups from Laikipia North i.e. Naatum women group from Morupusi group ranch (Mukogodo west Ward),Twala women group -Ilpolei and Munishoi group ranches (Mukogodo West Ward),Nabulu Women Group in Makandura (Segera ward)and Osuguroi women group (Mukogodo East Ward) with a total of 311 individual membership. We have since added another 13 agro-pastoral groups within Laikipia County increasing the total number of individual farmers we work with to 960.Read more

Laikipia Permaculture Centre

Laikipia Permaculture Centre limited company works with women across Laikipia County to utilize natural resources in Laikipia to provide a source of income for their households. Diminishing natural resources and climate change have led to the pastoral way of life non viable leading to conflict in the area where there are constants fights with the neighbouring communities over water and grazing land.Read more

Our Products

The enterprise is a holistic center that manufactures organic products in addition to acting as a research, training, and demonstration site.

We grow Aloe secundiflora to make cosmetic products which are sold locally and internationally. Moistorizing lotion and creme which also acts as a sunscreen, made by Naatum women group. LPC sells this products on behalf of this ladies at our gift shop.

Our Partners

Below are some of our partners