Aloe Secundiflora Project

The women’s groups have communal farms where they grow Aloe Secundiflora. LPC supplies quality seedlings to the groups and works with them to help improve and diversify their production through permaculture techniques with the aim of providing both food crops as well as value addition of the aloe for cosmetic products (soap, crème, lotion, shampoo) which they sell locally.

Regenerative Agroforestry Project

Regenerative Agroforestry Project Regenerative agroforestry is a key aspect in the practice of Permaculture where trees are merged with agriculture for the different and complementary benefits they provide for each other. The Regenerative agroforestry project focuses on regenerating smallholder farmland that has suffered from years of overgrazing, deforestation and the impacts of climate change. It…

Climate Adaptation Disaster Risk Reduction (CADRR Project)

Climate-resilient agriculture, community-based disaster risk reduction, and access to clean water are ways that Kenya is adapting to climate change.Adaptation to climate change through climate-resilient agriculture, access to safe water and community-based disaster risk reduction in Laikipia, Machakos, Kitui and Makueni counties of Kenya. In 2022 Laikipia Permaculture Centre Trust yet came into another exciting…

Climate Resilient Solutions for Small Farming Communities (CRESS PROJECT)

Climate resilience solutions (cress project) – for small farming communities Laikipia Permaculture Centre Trust partnered with arche noVa and Africa Sand Dam Foundation (ASDF) to implement the CRESS project, a two year project aimed at strengthening small farming communities in the fight against food insecurity, water shortage and environmental  degradation in Machakos, Makueni, Kitui and…

Farming the Future project

Farming the Future project responded to key challenges identified among the agro-pastoral groups of Laikipia North Sub County, in the Arid and Semi Arid Lands (ASAL) of Northern Kenya.

This are like limited access to water, poor agronomic skills and lack of sustainability on businesses related to sustainable value chains.

Food & Nutrition Security

Food & Nutrition Security At the Laikipia Permaculture Centre Trust (LPCT), we are dedicated to empowering local communities in the Arid and Semi Arid Lands (ASAL) areas through permaculture and kitchen gardening initiatives, ensuring a continuous source of nutritious produce. In a region facing significant food and nutrition challenges due to unpredictable weather patterns and…

Environmental Regeneration

Environmental Regeneration Discover how the Laikipia Permaculture Centre Trust (LPCT) is transforming landscapes through sustainable practices. Our initiatives, including sand dam construction, agroforestry, and model farms, play pivotal roles in restoring Laikipia North’s ecosystem. Sand dams capture rainwater, ensuring year-round water access and promoting vegetation growth. Agroforestry integrates trees into agricultural landscapes, enhancing soil health…

Access to safe water

Water Access LPCT is committed to reducing water challenges in northern regions, where scarcity often leads to conflicts among pastoralists. Through initiatives like sand dams and shallow wells, boreholes, rock catchment, and roof water harvesting, LPCT ensures reliable water access to these communities. These projects mitigate tensions by reducing competition over limited water resources, promoting…